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Summary of an article and the author

Here is what you need to do:
1. Find an article in a professional, peer-reviewed, open-access economics journal on a topic that interests you. Here are some helpful resources:
(a) Wikipedia lists some examples of professional economics journals here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_economics_journals (Links to an external site.)
Some of these are open access, some of these provide some of their articles open access, and many do not have open access at all.
(Links to an external site.)
Once you select a journal, select the “peer-reviewed” and “open access” filters. Contact our friendly reference librarians if you need more help finding an open access, peer-reviewed journal.
(c) You can also try a Google search. Just make sure that you ultimately find a peer-reviewed, open access journal.
2. Study the article, focusing on understanding what the author is trying to say. NOTE: these articles are written by professional economists for other professional economists, most of the content of such articles will include professional language that probably won’t be very clear. The best thing to do is to read only the introduction and the conclusion/summary parts and just get a general idea of what the author(s) is trying to say.
3. Post a brief summary of the article, including:
(a) What did the author research, what was her/his topic? If the author poses a research question or hypothesis of some kind, include that in your summary (with proper quotes and citation).
(b) What method did she/he use? Perhaps a survey, an experiment, a statistical analysis of numerical data, a computer model, other?
(c) What does the author conclude based on her/his research? (Very briefly summarize.)
Use the following structure for your summary:
Volume and Publication Date:
_______________________________________________________THIS IS AN EXAMPLE ____EXAMPLE _ EXAMPLE ________________________________________
TItle: Estimating the effect of air pollution on road safety using atmospheric temperature inversions
Author: Lutz Sager
Journal: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Volume and Publication Date: VOl. 98 , November 2019
URL:  Httpe;//www.sciencdirect.com/science/article/pii/S0095069618301220
Topic/Hypothesis: The author Hypothesizes than an increase in air pollution results in an increase in the number of automobile accidents.
Method: Analysis of daily data form the U.K. during the period 2009 to 20014. Data include the number of traffic accidents , the quantity of air pollution.
Conclusion/summary :   The author writes in the abstract that ” we find an increase of 0.3 -0.6%in the number of vehicles involded in car accidents per day for additional 1 ug /m3 of PM 2.5 . The finding that suggests that less safe roads may present a large and previously overlooked cost of air pollution.

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Summary of an article and the author
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