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Waiting Time for a patient


            The study seeks to expound on the waiting time for a patient and identify the challenges and details of an appointment and time within which the patient can wait at the surgery waiting room.

Research Questions

  1. What is the expected time for a patient at a health facility?
  2. What are the criteria for the general practitioners on allocating their patients’ medical checkup?

Reason and type of investigation

The issue of waiting time at the health facilities is critical in that it makes people conversant with the criteria and programs used by the general practitioners. Various factors cause a long or short patient waiting time. There are also many diverse ways in which health facilities can work to ensure that they mitigate long waiting (Healthtalk.org, 2019). The study hence needs as a thorough investigation by the use of surveys and questionnaires, where participants/ respondents will air their views, opinions, recommendations on what health facilities can do to hasten the waiting time for their patients.

Qualitative Approach

The most suitable method for undertaking this research is the use of a qualitative research. This type of research aims to clarify a better understanding by having a first-hand experience, quotations of actual conservations, and truthful reporting (Antwi & Hamza, 2015). A qualitative study also aims to understand how the respondents of the survey derive the meanings from their surroundings and how this can help in identifying the most suitable solutions. The study involves the collection of information that occurs naturally, where in this case, the issue of waiting time on patients is explored (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015). The study includes conducting interviews, observation of people, analyzing documents, and analyzing conservations made on the research study. The significance of this type of study involves describing the nature of what exists and how those in it experience it. As a result, it will help in understanding the experience of the long term claim (Antwi & Hamza, 2015). Qualitative research will also help in explaining why things exist as they do. This will eventually help in comprehending the events that lead to long-term claims and the circumstances in which the long term claims occur. It is also a vital component of the study. It will assist in evaluating the effectiveness of a number of interventions undertaken, which aims to change what is currently in place (Harding, 2018). The qualitative approach can generate suggestions for ways of improving things, or for potential areas of research.

Data Source and Setting

Data was acquired from patients in the health care who had different timing of their appointment, based on various factors such as non-urgency. The respondents’ views, opinions, and perceptions are vital in that they help understand their experiences and the issue behind the waiting time (Healthtalk.org, 2019).


The participants answered their questions from their homes through both videos and texts. Their video and text responses are shared on the health talk website, where their views on the subject matter are articulated (Healthtalk.org, 2019).


The study had three respondents, where two opted to sue video, where the last one used texts to give her response. The video responses are made at home by the sample respondents, who explain their experiences concerning time. For the respondent, who use texts for her interviews, there are responses below each question based on her experience. She comprehensively answers all questions asked, which relates to the subject of waiting time and her experiences. Three interviews were conducted on the three respondents where each participant had different responses and sentiments on the subject matter, based on his/her familiarity.

Age and Gender Breakdown

The respondents were two female and one male participant, who are at their youthful stage of life.

Data Analysis Method

Three steps were used for qualitative data analysis. The first essential step applied was the development and application of codes. The team settled on open coding since it was the most suitable method that could be applied for the study. Nvivo coding software was also used to help in ensuring that there was a quality analysis of the data. The second step was identifying themes, patterns, and relationships. This was through a comparison of findings of the interviews, both video and text, and discussing the differences between the responses as a way of establishing suitable conclusions for the study. The final step entailed making of a summary of the data, where the research findings were linked to the hypothesis and the projected aims and objectives.

There was team collaboration throughout the course of the study. The members constantly had differing opinions and views and issues but eventually agreed amongst themselves on how to approach a problem. Some of the technologies used for the study included video editing software and qualitative analysis software such as the Nvivo coding software, which helped to ensure that a comprehensive research was undertaken and that the set goals and objectives of the study were attained.




Antwi, S. K., & Hamza, K. (2015). Qualitative and quantitative research paradigms in business research: A philosophical reflection. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(3), 217-225.

Harding, J. (2018). Qualitative data analysis: From start to finish. SAGE Publications Limited.

Healthtalk.org. (2019). Seeing the GP: Advice and tips for young people. Retrieved from https://healthtalk.org/seeing-gp-advice-and-tips-young-people/waiting-time-for-an-appointment-and-in-the-surgery-waiting-room-

McCusker, K., & Gunaydin, S. (2015). Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research. Perfusion, 30(7), 537-542.

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